Janelle Ritchie just donated $11.65
Majella just donated $33.15
Tomomi Ryan just donated $20.00
Deidre Cruden just donated $50.00
Malcolm Malone just donated $55.00
Helen Davis just donated $53.00
Jacqui Lewis just donated $10.00
Louise Hallawell just donated $30.00
Therese Bartel just donated $25.00
Anita Zaretzky just donated $52.00
Monica See just donated $50.00
Anne Pettigrew just donated $50.00
Sarah Baldwin just donated $43.60
Tracey Berkeley just donated $106.12
Lynne Dunn just donated $54.12
Dan & Erin Weir just donated $27.81
Linda just donated $54.12
Josie O'Shea just donated $27.81
Leanne Northey just donated $106.12
Theo Comino just donated $27.81
Every 33 minutes an Australian is diagnosed with epilepsy
They join more than 30,000 people who are living with an active diagnosis. In Queensland, we are their beacon of hope ensuring each individual is understood and supported to live well.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises epilepsy as one of the world’s most common serious brain disorders.
We bring hope to those impacted by epilepsy throughout Queensland. We provide psycho-social supports, education and training, and advocate to ensure the voice of people with epilepsy is heard.
With your support we can be there for those Queenslanders that need us, when they need us the most – we invite you to support us in anyway you can.
We share some ideas throughout our fundraising site, alternatively visit our website at www.epilepsyqueensland.com.au or contact us on (07) 3435 5000 and talk to our impact experts about your ideas!
In Memory
Leave a lasting legacy in memory of a loved one.

Useful Information
Downloadable resources, Fundraising ideas and Frequently Asked Questions
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