Please support Lance's Walk for Epilepsy
I have had to overcome many obstacles since being diagnosed with epilepsy 7 years ago after a significant brain injury. I was having up to 15 silent seizures a day which eventually turned into tonic-clonic seizures. Some tonic clonic seizures being so serious I would stop breathing and had to be resuscitated.
I could no longer do the things in life that made me happy and fell into deep depression after my diagnosis. I used to be a very confident person but epilepsy took all my self confidence and happiness away for a long time. I struggle with meeting new people and going out in public places due to my fear of having a seizure and judgment from people who don’t understand the effects that anti-convulsant medication has. My speech, memory, comprehension and learning abilities have been significantly impacted which is extremely hard to accept and express to people at times.
I am doing this challenge not only as a personal goal for myself to face my fears and challenges but also to prove to others in the same situation that it is possible to push yourself and achieve your goals no matter what you suffer from. We need to raise awareness in schools, workplaces, communities, families and individuals surrounding the families, about the impact that epilepsy has on the individual as well as the carers, family and friends surrounding those people who also are struggling as well.
I understand that there are many disabilities and people ask me the question ‘what makes this one so important’? The reality is every 33 minutes another Australian is diagnosed with epilepsy, another person's life has been completely turned upside and are about to face struggles and challenges they have never had to go through before and that gives me motivation on its own.
Before I was properly diagnosed my life was in limbo for 4 years. I faced a lot of darkness which could only be explained as depression. It wasn’t until I was introduced to Epilepsy Queensland that I could thank my lucky stars. They have given me a lot of grace and gave me my first step towards my path of healing. They helped me on the right path and I then found my neurologist who I am very grateful for. Epilepsy Queensland are an amazing support network of people who can offer so much to those impacted by epilepsy, their friends and family, what they have to offer is truly incredible and really can make a difference to someone’s life.
On the 26th, 27th and 28th of August, I will be walking to raise money and awareness for epilepsy and Epilepsy Queensland. All funds go directly to Epilepsy Qld. The walk starts at Nanango along the old stock route to Yarraman, from Yarraman I will be walking the Rail Trail to Blackbutt then finally to Linville. I originally planned to do this riding my horse but due to safety concerns and other Epilepsy Warriors would understand after a head trauma we had to change the plan so my Red Cattle Dog Sandy will accompany me as well as a support worker to ensure my safety. I will be camping at each town along the way to meet, greet, chat and take donations. Please follow my Facebook page to stay updated with my progress and where to find me at each town.
Thank you to everyone for their support and kindness. Hope to see you along the way.
Kind regards Lance.
My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Cathy Mitchell
Hi Lance, I don't have Facebook so can't follow you in that way. Thankyou for everything you are doing. I have personally faced many of the same challenges as yourself and finding Epilepsy Queensland changed everything for me. I hope you and your furry friend look after each other and enjoy the walk. (I hope you've got good boots!) All the best, Cathy

Mel White
Well done Lance So So proud of you mate. You are definately a hero.

Hi Lance, your message captures everything I felt when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Thank you for what you are doing. Give Sandy a pat for me.

Collection Tin

Sam Rowles
Well done Lance for setting this goal. We will be thinking of you, out there, spreading the work about epilepsy and how it impacts so many lives.

Sharyn Knudsen
Wishing you success👏

You're doing a great job lance, sending love from the IGA team 💜

Darren And Vivienne Webb
Nice to meet you today with our horses at din din (start of stock route) Congrats on what you are doing Well done and good luck to you in the fixture.

Kobey, Jonny, Tia Nash
From your kids, Kobey, Jonny, Tia 😊 Good luck Dad! You've got this 👍

Matt Smith
Good luck!

Adam And Kaye Hamilton


Jody Blanch
Good Luck! :)

Family Inclusive

Jackie Choquenot

Cloe Jarrett
you’re doing good things Lance, keep going!

Margi Deas
Good luck with the walk ,there's some beautiful country out tht way

Paul Lorimer
Good Luck! Great effort for a great cause!!!

Mary Sharples
One step in front of the other, you are making a difference.

Terry Kattenberg
You are a legend.

Helen Court
Thanks for doing this to help support those with epilepsy

Kristy Bickley
Phenomenal- all the best on your walk with your family and pup 😊

Glad to see some good in the world, your doing gods work mate

Deb Frecklington Mp
Thank you for raising awareness and your fundraising efforts. All the best for your walk.

Aspire To Succeed Pty Ltd
Thanks for popping in and seeing the ladies at Kingaroy. You are a true inspiration

Karri Riches
You got this 💜

Go Lance


Shanaye Charles
You got this!
