Jenni Petrey

Make March Purple

I’m saving the day this March!

Hero Name: Purple Torch
Purple Power: Spreading purple awareness and raising purple funds
Hero Mission: I’m saving the day this March for the 270,000 people in Australia facing the challenges of epilepsy by participating in Make March Purple.

All heroes need their Sidekicks. L has his sidekick, Henry, but many others don't so please show your support by donating to my page. All funds raised will provide information, education and training and vital support services to people living with epilepsy.

Thank you for your support!

My Updates

L's new diagnosis

Tuesday 21st Jan
Late last year, L was diagnosed with Epilepsy. This put us on a new learning journey.

Looking back L had been having absent seizures at school but we weren't aware. It was when L collapsed at home numerous times, and after several hospital visits that the medical diagnosis process began.

L's big life saver at home is his Autism Assistance Dog, Henry. Unbeknownst to us, Henry had been alerting to the absent seizures at home. Henry truly is L's hero by alerting us that a seizure is about to occur, we can step in to ensure L is safe.

Many other individuals don't have a hero to help them out though. So let's try to change that.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jenni Petrey

