Make March Purple is an annual initiative that raises awareness and funds to support people living with epilepsy in Australia. In 2025, the theme is ‘Purple Heroes’, which aims to celebrate those facing the challenges of epilepsy daily, including people with epilepsy, parents and carers, doctors and neurologists, teachers and so on.
You are encouraged to be a Purple Hero and take on a Purple Challenge to show your support. All funds raised are donated to development and delivery of vital epilepsy support services, education and training, and research into finding a cure.

- Select your Epilepsy Organisation.
- Select your challenge and create your fundraising page.
- Set your fundraising goal, upload a profile picture and complete your Purple Hero bio.

- Share your fundraising page with family, friends and colleagues, and encourage them to support your hero mission by donating to your page.
- Check the ‘Resources’ section of the website for additional material to share.

- During March, complete your Purple Challenge. Be sure to share any photos or videos on social media and tag the epilepsy organisation you are supporting. Use the hashtags
#MakeMarchPurple #PurpleHeroes #Purple Power

Michelle L'Barrow just donated $106.12
Tracey just donated $25.00
Carolyn just donated $27.81
Karen just donated $54.12
Anonymous just donated $22.58
Bridie just donated $54.12
Pete and June just donated $64.67
Adele just donated $100.00
Karen just donated $54.12
Lui Mob just donated $54.12
Julianna just donated $11.65
Andrea McAllister just donated $27.81
Deborah Shaw just donated $20.00
Kaitlyn Du preez just donated $24.70
Anonymous just donated $64.67
Lucy Bailey just donated $27.81
Grant Paul just donated $20.00
Hannah Thomas just donated $13.88
Kelsey Doyle just donated $64.67
Rachel just donated $211.00