Dye March Purple

By Jake Trott

Dyeing my hair purple in march to raise awareness for epilepsy. 

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Graham Forbes Forbes

Great work Jake..


Fredrik Og Ivar




Mathew Finney


Alex Wood

Well done mate


Cody Christainsen


Jake Harris




Kristie Grimmer


Trudy Singer

Good on ya bud 💜


Harv Dog

Keep up the good work, with a little patience and persistence you can wrap a mosquito’s asshole around a milk bottle.


Brook Parkinson

Onya Trotty


Kris Barry


Kelly Postle


Wendy / Rodney Draydon


James Gilmore


Roger And Lynda Baker

Lots of love to you Bridie and great job Jake.




Bridie Bradford

Love ya Jake


Gordon & Susan Trott




Megan Schefe


Tiffanie Barbeler




Chloe Bradford


Kalissa Dwyer


Matt Maudsley