Brooke Atkins

Make March Purple

I’m saving the day this March!

Hero Name: Purple Torch
Purple Power: Spreading purple awareness and raising purple funds
Hero Mission: I’m saving the day this March for the 270,000 people in Australia facing the challenges of epilepsy by participating in Make March Purple.

All heroes need their Sidekicks, so please show your support by donating to my page. All funds raised will provide information, education and training and vital support services to people living with epilepsy.

Thank you for your support!

My Updates

Fundraising for our little boy!

Monday 10th Feb
This year we have decided to fundraise in honour of our son, Kingsley. He has just turned 3 and had a rough journey so far with epilepsy. He was born with sturge-Weber syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, that causes lesions and calcification to his brain. 

2 out every 3 diagnosed with SWS end up with epilepsy, most of which seizures start prior to turning 1. Unfortunately my son’s epilepsy started at 9 months old and has been extremely hard to manage since. 

He experiences focal seizures, general seizures, and absence seizures. My little man has the works and over 100 seizures plus many trips to the hospital. 

We would love to raise money for Epilepsy Queensland, as QLD is our home! Thank you to everyone for your love and support 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Latoya Selwyn


