I am hosting an event to Make March Purple for epilepsy
As some may already know Sarah-Jane, James and myself all have Epilepsy.
It's one heck of a journey to go through, physically and emotionally. Sarah-Jane was diagnosed at the age of 14yrs going from absence seizures to tonic clonic seizures at the age of 17 it's been one heck of a journey that is now finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel as she approaches her 19th birthday, 1 year seizure free.
James was a lot younger at the young age of 6 he was diagnosed with absence seizures and very high photosensitivity. James is going through a really tough time right now with getting his medications right, and it's heart breaking as a parent to not have that control to make it all better.
I was diagnosed at 19yrs of age with my first seizure at 17 I was going for my pilots licence at the time had everything all planned out then it was all whipped out from under me. I'm luckily still medicated but 18years seizure free.
Epilepsy is not the end of the world it just gives us an extra challenge. But with this challenge support and awareness is so desperately needed.
Each week in Australia 280 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy. I am hosting an event to raise funds for Epilepsy Queensland to ensure the epilepsy helpline can continue to answer every call for help. Did you know that up to 90% of Australians with epilepsy do not feel they have access to the support they need to live well with the condition? By supporting my event you will make a real difference. Thank you.