Epilepsy is one of the world's most common serious brain disorders impacting the lives of not only those who are diagnosed but also that of their family and friends.
My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors

Frances Dagg

Thank you for raising awareness.

Mt Perry Grand Hotel
You Tom, are an inspiration to us all!!


Chloe Bradford

Mount Perry Donations And Pizza Stand

Mpcdb Painting Auction

Emma Jeffery (haighway)
Well done! Amazing!

June Dickson

Mount Perry Raffle 2023

East End Hotel Raffle 2023

Mount Perry State School Free Dress Day

Rum City Men's Social Darts Club

Colleen Allen

Pippa Wallace
A fantastic achievement!!

The Flower Box
From Donations and sales of Paper Cranes Made by Ambo Mel

Em & Dom
Amazing work Tom!!!


Good on you Tom… what a sterling job you have done. You should feel extreme proud of yourself & team as the town is of you.

Al Smith
Good luck mate, worthy cause.

Joe Mammen
Proud of you Tom. Excellent effort and blown away by your work for the cause!

Jodie Zahn
Congratulations Tom on an incredible achievement! You are an absolute legend. Thank you for raising money and awareness for epilepsy.

Katie Gold

John And Denise Huxham
Tom Congratulations👏👏 You should be soooo proud of your incredible achievement. The world is a better place for having people like you in it. Stand talk and extremely proud. 👏👏👏

Pascale Crawford
You are an inspirational legend. Helping all epilepsy warriors whose lives have been turned upside 💜

Yvette, Robert & Diesel
See you at the finish line Tom ... what a true legend you are ... all the best Yvette, Robert & Diesel 💜

Phil & Mel Hermans
We are so proud to call you a friend! You are one of a kind WC. 💜💜💜💜

Phil Brown

Nick Steinhardt
Nick, Lyndee, Jhett and Knox

Jillian Bartels

Nadine Zunker
Just saw you running into North Bundaberg. It’s a hot day. What an amazing achievement. Keep 🏃♂️

Denis Vukovac
My favourite vanilla latte 🥰

James Taylor
All the best Tom, much respect for taking on this challenge for a great cause.

Joan Britton
Proud to have met you

Mandy And Cory Schmidt
You’re a legend!!


Ala Brady
Go buddy!! Legend

Team Mcgowan
What a legend you are Tom…. For Ollie with love Team McGowan xxx


Paul Nash
Good on you Tom, your an inspiration to the Mount Perry community.

Tim Mason
Well done Tom, I've been watching your progress from the when you started training for this challenge, you've got this.

The Place Hairdressing

Best of luck from a current QPS sister in blue! A cause very close to my heart!


Barb Harding

Danny & David
Good on you Tom!

Paul Lorimer
Great effort! Such a big commitment to a great cause! Good luck!

Eliza Wheeler
Amazing work Tom!

Awesome stuff Tom. Thank you for raising awareness of SUDEP and honoring Maddie

Mckays Fuel & Rural Supplies
What an incredible commitment you have made Tom to raise funds for Epilepsy and spread awareness. Good luck on your run. We will all be thinking of you

Nikki's Mum Jan
Go Tom - great cause 👍

A Teo
Go Tom! Your an absolute legend! Miss you Maddie 💕

Nikki’s Aunty Sue
Run Tom, Run

Simon Klapish
Hi Tom, we haven't met yet, but I spent a few hours with Chris yesterday and was very moved to assist with the cause and your unbelievable pending run. Fantastic. Take care on the road. I look forward to meeting you on my next visit to Mt Perry.

Sarah Davis
Have a great run.

Sandra And Ron Hudson
Keep going Tom !!!

Lynelle Tilbrook

Donna Patch
Goodluck Tom will be looking forward to hearing you made it across the finish line. Fantastic cause ❣🎉

Reaper Motorcycle Detailing
Hi Brother, Best of luck with the marathon, you’ve trained hard and it’s for a great cause so tipping you’ll accomplish the epic run in good time. Keep up the great work. Cheers 🍻

Renee Schneider
Well done Tom!

Nat Bennett
Well done Tom from a fellow officer in blue 💙


Nikki Ottrey
What a wonderful thing you're doing and such a great cause. Good luck, I hope you smash the run and make everyone proud! :)


Russ Cameron
Good luck mate. VicPol here. Donating in memory of my wife who suffered from epilepsy brought on by brain tumours.

Erin Wickstein


Well done Tom and good luck. From your sister in blue NSWPF

Good work Tom. Wonderful thing you are doing. All the best on your run, hope it all goes smoothly.

Good luck Tom from all the down in Vic! My condolences to the family.

Awesome stuff mate. Love what your doing. Current serving SAPOL member

Well Done Tom and good luck

Heard your interview on the ABC, keep up the great work!

Deb Pannan
Great work Tom, hope the run goes well and you raise lots of money.

Suzanne Whitaker
QPS donation

Mark Burns
Good luck from Victoria

Mal U
Good luck Tom. I hope the blue family come good with more support.

Vic Pol HWP member, good luck great cause.

W Weiss
Good luck mate!

Phil Spence
AFP retired. Awesome effort

Good work mate. From the blue down in SA

You’re a good man… my son was diagnosed a week before his 16th last year. Condolences to your friends. Heartbreaking for you all x

Jess Beitz
From a random member of your Blue family.. you’re inspirational Tom! Good luck 😊

Nick Komoll

Well done mate. Serving the people on duty and off duty. Keep being you.

Good on ya Tom!

David Gilmour

Darren Randall
Mate you are a champion for doing this. I wish you all the best! QPS Townsville

Peter Hockings
Good luck Tom, you

Meni. Caroutas
Fantastic thing you’re doing. You’re a good cop and man.

Richard King

Jodi-lee Black
Great work Tom, from a former 1 man station O/C (true policing at it's finest!!) and now President of SA Police Legacy.

Stu Hunt
Having just been diagnosed myself, I appreciate what you’re doing.

Nathan Boddy
Great job, from a blue brother on the GC

Jason Rycen
Great work Tom, so good to see community spirit and selfless giving is still alive and well in the world 🙏

Justine Hartley
Great work Tom! From a Qld sister in Blue.

Rhythmic Integrations
What an amazing effort and great cause!

Thank you for such a huge effort, just amazing.

Gordon Watson
What an effort Tom - A-MA-ZING!!

Nick Ross
You are a true inspiration Tom - wishing you all the best mate


Darin World

Clive Dingle
Great cause! All the best mate.

Mount Perry Federal Inn
From the Mount Perry Federal Inn, best of luck on the big run

Sammi Gold
Amazing job for such an amazing cause!

Simon And Ann Smail

Alan Brady
Well done mate!

Victoria Jones
You are doing fantastic work for Epilepsy. All the best for your upcoming run


Angela Roberts
Keep up the good work Tom, hope GB£ are acceptable!

Nether Edge Trust

Mt.perry Mechanics
We are proud of Tom to do such a big effort. We know how hard it is and we will be there to support him in every step. Thank you for fundraising

77.4km Training Run Fundraiser South Kolan Hotel Motel
Thank you to the South Kolan Hotel Motel and all the Businesses that donated prizes for our raffle. 77.4km run done.

Gin Gin Produce Butchery
Gin Gin Produce Butchery donating during the past 77.4km training run. Thank you!

Susie Guidace
Thank you so much Tom for all your absolutely fantastic effort. What a wonderful man you are So proud to have you as our Police officer too .

Bundaberg Toyota

Bmw Motorcycle Club Qld

Mt Perry Axemen & Sawyers Club

Mt Perry Donations

Mt Perry Cookie Doe Sales

Make March Purple 2022 Raffle

Mount Perry Grand Hotel

Make March Purple Raffle 2022

Emdee Enterprises Pty Ltd

Denis Vukovac
Love your work mate. Keep at it you legend.

Jo Watson
So proud of you😘

Trinette Murphy

Marisa Noack
Hello Tom I wish you the very best for your run! Take care.

Scott Harris (qps)
Inspirational effort Tom and I wish you all the best in accomplishing this wonderful goal on behalf of those less fortunate.

Katrina Carr
Thank you for fundraising for Epilepsy research. Run hard...;)

Jane E Thirnbeck

Wendy Moran
Inspiring. Great effort Tom. By keeping Maddie’s Legacy live on you are helping many others.

Neale Maynard
Having driven that road many times I can't imagine running it!

Tanya Langhorne
As the mother of a little girl with Epilepsy, I say thank you. Raising funds and awareness for this cause is incredible and so important. As an ultra runner I say anything you need- support crew, someone you run with you through the night to chase away the hallucinations, I'm there. You know my sister - Senior Constable Dent she can give you my details. Tanya

Sarah Hay
Good luck!! Thank you for supporting my yr 7 buddy!! ❤️❤️

Matt Bedding
Good work mate!

Hardaker Family
Good luck Tom! 💜💜

Kim & Sheryl Kendall
Great effort Tom. You will smash it.

Bronwyn Williams

Maree Hilton

Deb & Chris Tibbotts
So very proud of you raising awareness and vital funding for research and support. A huge commitment and we will be there to support you along the way. Thank you for keeping Maddie’s legacy going. Maddie would be very proud of you, as are we. 💜🌈🦋 #forever22

David Quinn
Great work mate, unfortunately my partner passed away from unexpected death in epilepsy in 2017, thankyou for your contribution towards awareness and charity for Epilepsy Queensland.

Melissa Bayntum

Luke Urquhart

Declan & Joanne
Best of luck bro and great work. Proud of you.

Mallory Bartrim

The Britton Family
We are so proud and so excited to be watching you on this journey!

Tully Fleming
Couldn't be prouder to have you part of the fam. Good luck with the training.

Terry And Brady
Good Luck

The Furnish’s
Good on you Tom! A massive challenge ahead for such a worthy cause. We are proud of you! X

Kim & Sheryl Kendall

Jo Watson
I'm proud of you and know you can do this!

Gail Mort
We know you can do it love you xxx

Good luck on your endeavour, sending best wishes

Mallory Mort
Proud of you! You’ve got this. The kids and I love you xx
