Our Beautiful Girl Tayla Crang
On the 7th November 2021, the Day for Tayla will be held by the Gympie Horse and Rodeo Association.The day will honor the life of Tayla Crang - A beautiful 21-year-old girl who sadly lost her life to Sudden Unexplained Epilepsy.
Tayla was...a beautiful 21 year old young lady with her whole life ahead of her, just weeks before her passing Tayla suffered her first seizure event which lasted 25 mins, after numerous tests she was discharged from hospital that night to go home. Tayla was in the care of her GP and a neurologist, Tayla had many appointments and scans which showed and abnormal right hand lobe in her brain, she had also lost some of her vision, was unable to work, unable to drive and do most things 21 years old love doing. All my beautiful girl wanted to do was find a cowboy settle down and live a full life, she had recently before her passing been getting her audition ready for farmer wants a wife 😂. Just a few shorts weeks after her first seizure event and before being placed on medication by medical staff Tayla suffered a second seizure whilst feeding her beloved horse, this seizure caused her to go into cardiac arrest and she could not be revived. Us as her family would like to raise awareness of the seriousness of SUDEP as Tayla was not advised of the risks and we had absolutely no idea what it was, being a very popular horsey girl i her mum thought what better way to honour her than with a horse event. Tayla would always show in purple so purple is the colour of the day, we hope to get as many sponsors on board as we can and raise as much money as we can to give to the epilepsy foundation to hopefully one day save just one family from the absolutely soul destroying grief our family suffered when we lost our girl.
Funds raised on the day will be donated to Epilepsy Queensland in Tayla's name and will help to fund support and research into the causes and hopefully one day a cure for Epilepsy
If you have an item or service that could be used as a prize for the Day for Tayla Raffle please email Renee at rxy81@icloud.com
The novelty day will take place at 26 Brewery Rd, Gympie QLD 4570, Australia. To nominate for the event visit https://www.gympiehorseandrodeo.com/copy-of-events
My Updates

Day for Tayla
Monday 7th Jun Raffles prizes gladly accepted, can be dropped off or picked up, rugs proudly sponsored by sandale saddlery I will list all sponsors as soon as I list each event and you can choose which one you would like to sponsorSponsorship is $100 for over 18
Or $50 under 18 for first place in each event, just keep an eye on the page as I keep listing sponsors and get bank details to sponsor into
Love all your support so much
Paint the town purple for Tayla
Make every single person aware of the dangers and risks or epilepsy
Thank you to my Sponsors


Christine Scicluna

Vanessa Moore
Donated with so much love x