
By ClowderQueen

I am hosting a fundraiser to Make March Purple for epilepsy

I am an epilepsy fighter.  I have refractory Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy and photosensitive epilepsy.  

By raising these funds I aim to help support people of all ages with epilepsy.  We need a cure now.  Until then kindness, community education, and support can make a world of difference.    

Please help make the world a little bit better.   

My Achievements

My Updates

Purple Muck Challenge done!

Saturday 26th Mar
Fun but really gooey!  

Epilepsy fighter time!

Monday 21st Mar
My epilepsy has been a bit crap every day.  Few too many seizures!  I am very tired. 
As my epilepsy is photosensitive as well, being in front of a computer for too long is hard.   I wish I could have made more updates.  
I wish to thank everyone who has looked at my page, whether you donated or not.  
I wish to thank everyone who has donated.  You have given such positivity to my day by helping Epilepsy Queensland.   
Experiencing gratitude is such a wondrous feeling.  It gives you hope.  
Thank you.    

You are legends (Internet hugs)

Thursday 10th Mar
Thank you to my sponsors.  I am filled with gratitude.  Purple Day muck challenge is a go! Squeee!

Purple Muck Challenge

Wednesday 9th Mar
I will do the purple muck challenge and post it on Instagram & FB if sponsored by more people.  I will do on Purple Day itself - 26 March 2022.  💜💜💜

Thank you to my Sponsors


David Heberlein


Kaye Hart

Lesleigh, life has presented you with challenges. Dad and I hope that one day there will be a treatment for photosensitivity as it is not always possible to avoid the many triggers in life. Stay strong, stay positive. Enjoy life.


Karen Wilson

Looking forward to our Purple morning tea tomorrow. Well done on the fundraising.


Janet And Robyn Heberlein


Sam Heberlein

All the best with your fundraising and high tea for Purple Day. Thinking of you, Les. Sam & Gaya xx


Gaya Cremers

All the best with your fundraising and high tea for Purple Day. Thinking of you, Les. Gaya & Sam xx


Simmo & Kymmo

Good luck with your fundraising Lesleigh.


Mt Morgan Family

We love and support you Les 💜💜 from Denice, Leanne, Sarah, and Sean


Greg Sheppard