Bolder Boys

By Fynn Krybolder

I am hosting a fundraiser to Make March Purple for epilepsy

Our life was changed by Epilepsy on October 16th 2021! Fynn our 13 year old Full of life, social, AFL star fell with a tonic clonic seizure on our kitchen floor. Unfortunately this was now our our new reality! Fynn would have 4 more tonic clonic seizures, 4 more ambulance rides, 2 mri scans, cat scans, many blood tests, so many more hospital visits before we would get a diagnosis of generalised epilepsy. 

Thank you to our amazing team of specialists in Brisbane Fynn is now 14 weeks seizure free and back attending full time school. We are shooting for the stars every day learning to live with our new life! 

Please help us by saying 


Thank you 

The krybolder family x 

Every 33 minutes a life is turned upside down by epilepsy.

I am raising funds for Epilepsy Queensland to ensure the epilepsy helpline can continue to answer every call for help. Did you know that up to 90% of Australians with epilepsy do not feel they have access to the support they need to live well with the condition? By supporting my fundraiser you will make a real difference.

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Updates


Saturday 26th Feb
I am speechless not even 24hrs and we have received so many amazing donations! You guys ROCK!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you xxxxx 

Thank you to my Sponsors



Sometimes things happen in life that just don't seem fair. Surround yourself with people who care and your loving family and friends and then know you will never be alone. You've got this Fynn and we're all here with you cheering you on!


Gerry Raleigh




Kaitlyn Campbell

Good work Fynn!


Matt Andreassen


Lisa Judd


Deakin Family!

Keep spreading the awareness Fynn! 💙💙


Emma Tennant

You've got this Fynn! You'll be back running a muck before too long xx


Brad Surridge

Chin up mate hope to see you on training track or in the box with me on game day mate ,you got this bud


Leisa Baldwin