Elise Watt

Purple Bridge Climb Challenge 2022

I am being BRAVE and have signed up for the ultimate Make March Purple challenge. On March 25 I will climb the Story Bridge as it lights up PURPLE to help end epilepsy.

I am taking on this challenge to support the 280 Australians that are diagnosed with epilepsy each week. I am raising funds for Epilepsy Queensland so that they can continue to deliver essential support services.

Please help me reach my fundraising target by making a donation on this page. Your donation means the world to me and to everyone impacted by epilepsy. 

Thanks again for supporting my challenge and for helping to Make March Purple for epilepsy!

I'm fundraising for...

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions affecting 50 million people worldwide

Every week in Australia, 280 people are diagnosed with epilepsy and sadly 5 Australians will die from epilepsy each week.

I am raising funds to ensure Queenslanders with epilepsy have access to the support, training, and information they need to live well with epilepsy.

With access to the right treatment around 70% of people with epilepsy can gain control over their seizures

My Achievements

I am on the Bridge Climb Team

I will Lean Out over the Story Bridge

I will Walk the Plank