I am hosting a fundraiser to Make March Purple for epilepsy
Every 33 minutes a life is turned upside down by epilepsy. We have experienced this as an immediate family three times.
My oldest son was diagnosed with epilepsy post a stroke at 16 months of age. He outgrew seizures around the age of 6 and came off his medications. However he had a potential seizure October, 2021 but he had a focal dyscognitive seizure in January 2024, so we are going through scans and testing all over again.
My husband David was diagnosed with TLE back in 2021 after a tonic clonic seizure at work. A year earlier he had a seizure in the car but was sick, so the hospital told us it is from febrile illness. Turns out David appears to have had seizures for as long as we have known each other but he thought the De Ja Vu moments were normal things everyone experienced.
Lastly, our younger son Carter was diagnosed in August 2023 after a tonic clonic seizure at school. Previously he had complex febrile convulsions but all testing said he didn't have epilepsy. He had some genetic testing done and a gene deletion in GPHN came back and after chatting with a genetic doctor who has known our family since Jasper had his stroke, this gene is associated with epilepsy and autism. This gene is newly discovered and they are still learning more about this gene. Carter has a cousin with the same gene deletion, so it appears David and Jasper have this gene too, they have had recent testing which should come back in the next 4-6 weeks.
I am raising funds for Epilepsy Queensland to ensure the epilepsy helpline can continue to answer every call for help. Did you know that up to 90% of Australians with epilepsy do not feel they have access to the support they need to live well with the condition? By supporting my fundraiser you will make a real difference. Epilepsy Queensland has supported our family significantly the past 11 years. So please donate this month to Epilepsy Queensland so they can continue the awesome work that they do in raising awareness, providing support, providing education, and supporting research in order to help those living with epilepsy.
Thank you!
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Telling epilepsy to muck off
Saturday 16th Mar
Thank you to my Sponsors

Skye Vdl

Go you girl!