We're fundraising for...
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions affecting 50 million people worldwide
Every week in Australia, 280 people are diagnosed with epilepsy and sadly 5 Australians will die from epilepsy each week.
We are raising funds to ensure Queenslanders with epilepsy have access to the support, training, and information they need to live well with epilepsy.
With access to the right treatment around 70% of people with epilepsy can gain control over their seizures.
In our extended family of 15 there are 4 with Epilepsy and it is our goal to help others gain control over their seizures as we have.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Annabelle Lanagan

Megan Lynn
Keep up the good work!

Rbb Members Cash Donations
Cash donations from RBB members....

Sonia Holmes
Fun day at RBB today xx

Sarah Scott

Talia Glover

Wayne Barnett

Barram Family
Have fun on your bridge climb Mikki!

Heather Blackstein
Good on you. Have fun😘

Heather Blackstein
Have fun Cara😘


Joy Wright
Well done

Michaila Macaskill

Kim Kahler
Proud of you Potato! 💕🥔

Catchie Smith
Happy climbing!!!!

Annie Skerman
Go Mikki!!! Looking forward to seeing some pics xx

Just keep climbing

Just keep climbing

Anita Blight
Go Cara and Team!

Nicki Whitney


Wanda Edwards
Good Luck from Auntie Wanda

Sa Dalby
All the best Mikki

Nathaniel Atkins
Have fun climbing the bridge I’m sure it’ll be great fun

Gran & Pop
Keep climbing

Kushla Gray

Lyn Jones

The Cuskellys!
Nice work Mikki - proud of you!

Natasha Byrne

Karen Gilder
Enjoy the challenge

Julia Gow
Good Luck and Enjoy your experience.

Claire Hotston

Sounds like a fun thing to do

Greg And Tina Burnett
What a great way to raise money and awareness. Enjoy the view Mikki!!

It is far easier to sit back and let others step up , well done Mikki for wanting to do something. A small action is far better than the greatest of intentions.

Mel Loy
Have fun!

Happy to help you raise money. You will have no trouble with the bridge climb🙂. It is on my bucket list.

Kath & Rod Brown
Do hope you enjoy this amazing event.❤️

Kath & Rod Brown
Hope you enjoy this challenging experience. Love RnK 💙

Cassandra Koutouridis
Go Mikki and everyone else 💜

Sarah Flowers

Rebecca Hooley
Mikki you are a super star!

Robin Laub
Good luck and enjoy the view from the top




Enjoy the climb
Go Mum! You can do this! :) - Love Annabelle :b